Salt – Review

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“Salt” is a film directed by Philip Noyce, first run from 19th August 2010 (New Zealand): It is a thriller with action enough for five movies!

The main character is Evelyn Salt (Angelina Jolie), a CIA agent, happily married to a spider’s expert. But one day, a Russian defector points her as a Russian spy, with the mission to kill the Russian President and then the American President. Worried for the safety of her husband, she runs away, with spectacular scenes that show her moving like a ninja and beating, completely alone, several soldiers and special agents. The plot of the movie is intriguing and quite complicated and it harks back to some voices that suggest that JFK had been killed by a Soviet lookalike. Angelina Jolie makes her role unique. Cool and distant, the spectator can never say what she is thinking or planning, and has to try to follow the story and wonder who Evelyn Salt really is. Is she a Russian spy? Or is she just trying to save her husband? The movie lasts only one hour and 40 minutes, but it is so emotional that it seems to be over in a second but at the same time it seems to last a whole day.

Anna Aglietta (4C)

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