Rights and duties of European Citizens

Tempo di lettura: 2 min


During the last meeting of COMTEC Project, held in Portugal, the representatives of the convening nations drew up a charter concerning the rights and duties of European Citizens.

 Of course,we had to work a lot in order to reach such an important goal, but at the end we managed to get through it.

 First of all, we discussed our own school rules in the classroom, trying to pick out the most important ones, and we compared them to the other schools involved in the project.

After the first meeting held in Lithuania, we received a new task, which was to find the most relevant articles in our Criminal Code regarding some specific topics,such as drugs,alcohol and driving.

 Afterwards, all the students involved in the project met together in Turin,in order to exchange different opinions about why they should feel European or why not.

 Lastly, the final meeting was held in Portugal; its purpose was to end the project and to choose the top 5 rights and the top 5 duties of a European citizen.

 Here is a list of the results: 


  • 1.Right to life
  • 2.Freedom of expression
  • 3.Right to travel freely in the EU
  • 4.Right to education
  • 5.Prohibition of slavery 


  • 1.Observe equality between Men and Women
  • 2.Show respect for other people’s faith
  • 3.Ensure peace among European countries
  • 4.Avoid violating the rights of others
  • 5.Take responsibility for your own actions. 

Martina Carbone, Andrea Cangioli (5D)


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