Two months in Italy

Tempo di lettura: 2 min


Mara SulcaThis is the first time I’ve been far from home for such a long time. I thought … only 3 months, it’s nothing. Firstly the time was so slow. Days seemed like weeks, weeks like months… But now time is running. Only one month left. There are so many things that I want to do and see. Time is not enough.

One boy who did this exchange some years ago told me that the best way to get in and enjoy the time here is to fall in love. And I did it!!! I fell in love with the mountains, with the sun and Italian coffee. I fell in love with everything that makes me smile :) That’s making my time here beautiful and easier.

All this is like to reach the top of a mountain. And I’m starting to feel that the top is not so far anymore… The sun is in my eyes, the language is in my mind and Italy is in my heart. And I know that, when I reach the top I’ll be incredibly happy!

Sometimes I think  if I’ve done  as much as I could. Have I been using my time here right and if I’ve  taken advantage of al the things that life has given me. But one thing I know for sure. This is not my last time in Italy! And next time I’m gonna be ready, ready for new adventures…


Mara Sulca

174950cookie-checkTwo months in Italy