I finally got here

Tempo di lettura: < 1 min

USAFinally I got here. My dream from 5th grade; spend a semester in the States.
Finally I got here. In California, the California of the movie, the California of huge beaches, the Sunshine State every day of the year.
Finally I got here. In the state of thrift stores and of the shops where you can find the unfindable, from the statue of Ronald McDonald, to used coffins. That state where people share everything: where it seems everybody is friends with everybody, where people flatter strangers, where nobody refuses to buy a meal for the homeless, where people share their own furniture: when you’re done using some furniture, just leave it in the front of your house; somebody that needs it more than you will take it before a day passes.
Finally I got here. In that messy LA, when rush hour is all day long, all year long; that LA where nobody walks; that city that is always awake; where the stores are open 24/7.
I finally got here. I got in the international supercity where you find people from all races and all ages.
Finally I got here. Finally I get to spend a semester in a city that others dream to see. I am able to experiment with a new family, a completely different family that will give me new values, that can make me a better person.

Paolo Molinatti (4E)

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