Everything will be ok

Tempo di lettura: 2 min

Someone opened the window while I was still sleeping. Slowly I begin to wake up. I feel a slight breeze touching my cheeks, accompanied by a strong smell of pine. “Strange, in my house there aren’t pines” I think, and finally I realize. I’m not in my house anymore, I’m in a completely new place that will be my home for months. I remember everything, every emotion, every single moment, every single thought.
I was very happy, and very excited, then, a week before I left, I started to worry about my permanence in Sweden, I was a bit afraid.
And then the day of the departure came, my mind was confused, I had a lot of questions in my head, question after question, it was not fear, but also enthusiasm and curiosity. They were mixed and I was afraid that my body could not contain within themselves all of these emotions. I took the first plane … a full day of traveling, I had to change three plains! I never thought that going to a place so close to Italy would take so long. And finally I arrived. One hour by car with my local representative and I was home.
My host mum was immediately very friendly, she helped me to fix everything and then we went for a walk and we talked a bit. We began to know each other. We sat on a bench and quietly observed the landscape, we didn’t need to say anything. At that moment, while a light wind touched my cheeks and I admired the beautiful landscape, completely new and different, who I saw the sun went down behind the hill, I felt within me a new security and all my fears vanished. I was sure: everything would have been ok.

Domiziana Aimar (4B) – correspondent from Sweden

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