Categoria: LINGUE

Die schöne und das biest

Tempo di lettura: 2 min   Eine alte Frau klopfte an der Tür von dem Schloss. Sie war erfroren und erkältet, weil das Wetter sehr kalt war. Sie hatte Hunger und bat den Prinzen um Unterbringung, aber der Prinz war sehr zornig und nicht gastfreundlich.…

Beauty is …

Tempo di lettura: 2 min Beauty… What is beauty exactly? Is it the exterior part of a woman, or her soul? Is it the way a child dresses up, or the way he smiles at life? Is beauty the powerful sensation that you have when…

La felicidad de la sonrisa

Tempo di lettura: < 1 min   En el planeta en el que vivimos,el de los ricos, – rico es cualquier persona que disfruta con lo superfluo- , estamos acostumbrados a  empachar a nuestros  hijos con dones materiales que jamás les acompanarán cuando la soledad ante…

Interview with Sofia Carpinteri

Tempo di lettura: 2 min   Pubblichiamo qui di seguito l’intervista rilasciata dalla nostra corrispondente Sofia Carpinteri (4E) al giornale scolastico della Foothill High School di Santa Ana (California – USA), in cui si trova per motivi di studio.   Interview with Sofia Carpinteri  …

Siam finiti su … El Paìs!

Tempo di lettura: 2 min Saramago: “Berlusconi es el fascismo de corbata de Armani” El premio Nobel portugués, aclamado en Italia durante la presentación de su libro ‘Cuaderno’ MIGUEL MORA – Roma – 14/10/2009 “No tengo la menor duda de que Berlusconi quiere reimplantar el…

A flight to Sweden

Tempo di lettura: 2 min   Good morning and thank you for choosing our flight to Sweden. Ladies and gentlemen please pay attention as we display the safety features and procedures of this aircraft in case of emergency. Even if you are a frequent flyer…

A true story …

Tempo di lettura: 2 min   The story you’re going to read is a real fact,  which happened a few years ago in a high school in the city of Ogden (Utah), where I’m living right now. I suggest that you  listen to the song …


Tempo di lettura: 2 min   It was a day like any other for me. Laying on the coach, watching TV, eating some popcorn and thinking of nothing. Well , I was actually wondering why my friend Elizabeth wasn’t answering  the phone. I tried to…

I couldn’ t believe where I was

Tempo di lettura: 2 min The tall peaks were in front of me, impressive  and elegant, all the efforts I had done, now were compensated for the amazing view that I could see. I couldn’ t believe where I was, and what I managed to do. I…