Categoria: LINGUE


Darius Flagg killed

Tempo di lettura: 2 min November 12th, 2014. A day I’ll remember for the rest of my life. It was Wednesday. I went to school and then home. You may think it was just a normal week day. Something happened that night. Exactly at 10.30…

Short story


Tempo di lettura: 2 min I want share with you the first short story that I had wrote here in the US. “I was in my sixteenth year of my life and I had one of the most difficult choices of my all life: “leave…

The stokes

The Stokes

Tempo di lettura: 2 min The fact that in general the Americans take sports and competitions so seriously leaves me speechless every time , even though I’ve already spent four months in the States . In Italy we don’t have such a strong attachment to…

A Double interview : Exchange Turin – Eindhoven

interview italy netherlands

Tempo di lettura: 2 min This week we’ve interviewed Bas from the Netherlands and Giorgio from Italy. The Dutch boy has been Giorgio’s correspondent during the week in Turin . Bas has been put up by his classmate Axel by Giorgio’s family, and now we…

Al supermercado contra la pobreza

contra la pobreza

Tempo di lettura: 2 min Los días 28 y 29 de noviembre en los supermercados y mercados de toda Cataluña tuvo lugar el “Gran Recapte d’Aliments a Catalunya”, una campaña con el objetivo de recoger alimentos básicos para distribuirlos a las familias necesitadas, similar al…

Dispersion (Ashes to ashes)


Tempo di lettura: 2 min Une chanson moderne en langue anglaise. Une pièce de théâtre. Un homme et une femme. Ils parlent. La femme explique quelque chose à son mari, elle raconte ce qui s’ est passé. Quelqu’un tousse dans la salle, je regarde Isabella, puis je…

Manger en France


Tempo di lettura: 2 min Tous les gens, mais surtout les italiens, qui aiment bien manger, et qui sont habitués à manger de bonnes pâtes à la bolognaise ou la pizza, arrivent en France et ils sont très déçus par la nourriture française. Les français,…

Thinking along the road


Tempo di lettura: 2 min In Italy October is Autumn time . In Sweden Winter has already started. The sun rises late and sets early, too early! At 3.30 pm it gets dark, and every day the sun sets earlier . During these early nights,…



Tempo di lettura: 2 min Memphis, a city well-known because it is the home of one of the most famous singers and founders of Rock’n Roll: Elvis Presley. This is the only thing you know about Memphis I guess or maybe you know that it…

Italy from the other side


Tempo di lettura: 4 min What I learnt in 3 months in the US and what I am constantly trying to explain to people, is that everything, or at least the most part of the facts that are told here about Italy is false. It…