Categoria: LINGUE


Tempo di lettura: 2 min   Tedeschi e Italiani. Italia e Germania. Due popoli, due nazioni differenti ma simili che si incontrano e si parlano a Ludwigshafen e a Torino. Deutsche und Italiener. Italien und Deutschland. Zwei Völker, zwei Staaten mit Unterschieden und Ähnlichkeiten, die…

Comenius 2010-2012. The Europro(o)f guidebook.

Tempo di lettura: 6 min On Friday 10th  June , while lessons exploited the last few moments of this school year and in Italian schools the atmosphere had already become lighter, Umberto I hosted a Comenius  teacher meeting, with teachers coming from 5 different countries.…

Algo que falta

Tempo di lettura: 3 min No consigo dormir. He apagado el ordenador porque me dolían los ojos y he ido a la cama. Tumbada entre las sábanas azules he intentado dormirme sin conseguirlo. No sé cuantas veces he cerrado los ojos y he vuelto a…

Nuclear, pro o encontra?

Tempo di lettura: 3 min   La energía nuclear, y el concepto de nuclear en general, es uno de los temas principales de que se discute hoy en Italia, como en todos los otros paises de Europa y del mundo. ¿ Por qué ? Por…

The Kern River Oil Field

Tempo di lettura: 3 min   The Kern River Oil Field in California’s Central Valley, even to an expert’s eyes, looks like a normal oil field. When it was first discovered, in 1899, analysts said that only 10% of its “viscous content” could be extracted.…

Halting the World’s Most Lethal Parasite

Tempo di lettura: 4 min New ideas for a malaria vaccine have been developed, and hopefully a new solution is going to come out in the next 4 – 5 years. The most important ones are:               1) GSK’s (GlaxoSmithKline) scientist Joe Cohen, with…

Have you ever feel like you?

Tempo di lettura: 2 min   Have you ever felt as if your life depends on a smile or on a cute word? Have you ever felt depressed because someone didn’t wave at you? Have you ever felt the happiest person in the whole world…

Dentro de dos semanas

Tempo di lettura: 2 min   Todo empieza y todo termina. La semana del intercambio del 2C Liceo Clásico Europeo con el IES “Gabriela Mistral” de Arroyomolinos – Madrid – ha empezado y ha terminado en el aeropuerto de Madrid, Barajas, en una sola y…