Categoria: Corrispondenze dall’estero

G’Day Australia

Tempo di lettura: 3 min   È il 26 gennaio 1788, oggi festa nazionale australiana, quando la First Fleet guidata dal capitano Arthur Phillip, carica di prigionieri provenienti dall’Inghilterra, sbarca nella baia dell’odierna Sidney, in Australia; un continente situato nell’emisfero australe e completamente circondato dall’oceano.…

Desde Costa Rica

Tempo di lettura: 3 min   El pueblecito en el cual vivo está en las puras montañas. Tiene montaña por todos lados, pero también hay ríos y solo verde por todas partes. Aunque es pequeño, mi pueblecito tiene todo lo indispensable para sobrevivir: pulperías, internet,…

Quasi in partenza, saluti finali

Tempo di lettura: < 1 min La prima volta, quando siamo arrivati a Torino è stato molto interessante. Tutto era nuovo e molto bello. Gli italiani soni stati amichevoli e ci hanno aiutato. Adesso noi siamo qui da tre mesi. Abbiamo visto le montagne, la natura.…

Tomorrow, when the war began

Tempo di lettura: 2 min   On the 3th of September in New Zealand’s Cinemas the first viewing of “Tomorrow, when the war began” was shown. I’m quite sure that a lot of you have never heard about this movie before, and I haven’t either…

Once upon a time …

Tempo di lettura: 2 min Once Upon a time there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy, and it has been told in another book called The lion, the witch and the Wardrobe how they has a remarkable adventure. They had…

Starving Kids Vs Fat Americans

Tempo di lettura: 2 min   This visual argument helps us understand what an enormous difference there is between  those two states. The audience, made up of the entire world, has to learn about the horrible conditions that kids in Africa die under, mainly because…

Do you know …

Tempo di lettura: < 1 min   Do you know what people think when they, walking through the silent wood covered with soft, shiny and crystal snow, start to hear the far and quiet swish of a noisy stream? Do you know what people think when,…

That such a great experience!

Tempo di lettura: 2 min Hi guys! I’m an exchange student and I’ve been there for 4 months! I’m having a great experience in Alaska! I would like to share with you some information and impressions about my magic experience! I’m attending the East Anchorage…

Ticket to ride

Tempo di lettura: 3 min   You wake up early in the morning. There is a strange light today, that kind of blinding light that doesn’t allow you to keep your eyes fully open, the kind of light that characterizes those warm, yet cloudy spring…