Complicated, full, immense

Tempo di lettura: < 1 min

New York is probably the only city that is more beautiful in the reality than in a postcard. It is so beautiful that you almost can’t believe it. And you realize it right away, as soon as you leave the airport, when you get swept away by the frenzy of people.
You get the impression that all things happen faster than anywhere else when you’re in New York. People move, walk and talk faster than normal, everything is blended together in a mixture of bright colors, never amiss. From the hotel room, you see a lot of people that merges, walking fast, invades the streets without really respecting the rules of signage. Then go down the street and you are also literally overwhelmed by the crowd.
Everyone seems to have a destination, a role, a place, their own place in the world. No one seems amiss in this context that is so perfectly harmonized. When you’re in New York you seem to be in a large experiment in which someone tries to see if all the people, with all their differences, can live together.
It’s too much to believe that it’ real; so complicated, full, immense. When you are in New York, you feel like you can do whatever you want to do and you can be whoever you want to be. New York steal your heart.
It is so beautiful. The sun is reflecting on the skyscrapers and you’re there, small, tiny gearring perfectly incorporated in the great mechanism that is this amazing city.

Giulia Orifalco (4B) – correspondent from California, U.S.A

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