Do you know …

Tempo di lettura: < 1 min


Do you know what people think when they, walking through the silent wood covered with soft, shiny and crystal snow, start to hear the far and quiet swish of a noisy stream?

Do you know what people think when, in the ocean, swimming under water they close their eyes and they hear fishes singing a melody without rhythm?

Do you know what people think when they, after a long walk on the seafront, sitting on the rocks and feeling a soft sea breeze, watch the infinite landscape adorned with a gold sunset?

Do you know what people think when they find a dry flower that they have forgot inside an old book time ago?

Do you know what people think when they see two lovers walking on a rainbow after a long and stormy night of rain?

Do you know…

What the freedom is?

Eleonora Camerone (4B)

175650cookie-checkDo you know …