Guy Fawkes Day

Tempo di lettura: 2 min

Guy FawksEvery year on 5th November New Zealand , Great Britain and all the former British colonies celebrate “Guy Fawkes Day” . Guy Fawkes established his reputation as one of Britain’s most notorious traitors. He was one of the conspirators who, at the beginning of the 17th century, tried to blow up the Parliament in a plot called the “Gunpowder Plot” led by Robert Catesby.
Even though Fawkes played a relatively minor part in the plot, his name is the one which is most commonly associated with the conspiracy. On the night of November 4th, Guy Fawkes was arrested while he was about to light the gunpowder fuse in the cellars of the Parliament. After spending a couple of days under torture, Guy Fawkes confessed the names of the other conspirators, who were going to flee. They were captured and condemned to death. In order to show that treason was a terrible offense and would not be tolerated, the judge sentenced Fawkes to the most horrendous form of execution available: that of being hung, drawn and quartered.
Nowadays this historical event is still celebrated in the UK. People burn effigies of Guy Fawkes and fireworks and bonfires are lit in the country to remember the explosion that actually never took place. Also in New Zealand Guy Fawkes Day (or Bonfire Night) is celebrated with lots of fireworks everywhere but without any effigies. The biggest difference is that the celebration is not strongly felt for its historical reasons but it is a way to have fun with family and friends and to celebrate the coming of the summer season. Everybody has the first swim in the sea on November 5th, even though the sea water isn’t really warm enough. Spectacular firework displays take place in public places, such as stadiums, parks and even schools. In the days close to the celebration of Guy Fawkes Day buying fireworks is allowed whereas during the rest of the year you can use them but the sale is forbidden .
In New Zealand lighting fireworks is a controversial topic. The high risk of fires getting out of control at night, eye injuries and burns to people and the noise of explosions upsetting animals are the main.negative aspects .

Elisabetta Colonna – Correspondent from New Zealand

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