Home, sweet home

Tempo di lettura: 2 min

home sweet homeThe Americans have an expression that says “home is our fortress“. They want to underline the fact that our home is the place where we feel safe and protected. When you are at home you don’t need to wear a mask, you can be yourself. I think that our house also reflects our personalities, it is also a part of ourselves, and it is evident in the way we decorate it. If you stop one second to think, you realize that throughout history home has always played an important part in human life. This is evident in children’s drawings as they always include images of their home because it is a fundamental part in their lives. Home is where you don’t have to pretend, where you can be yourself, the place where you grow up and you mature. Home is a point of reference. Home is the place where you take refuge from the world outside, home is the place where you search for answers (or maybe the place that you run away from, hoping to find your answers). Home is the place where you learn to make choices, where you make up your own ideas. Home is where we love, and we are loved. Home is the place where our heart is. Home is not necessarily the place where we were born or where we grew up. Home is the place where we always return to.

Giulia Orifalco (4B) – Correspondent from USA

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