Italy by Latvian perspective

Tempo di lettura: < 1 min

Hi! I think Italy is a very beautiful and nice place! People here are very friendly and nice. They are very active and loud, they like dancing,singing… Food is really good,I love pasta and chocolate. But ice-cream is wonderful, mmm. And coffee … , I don’t know what I would do without coffee. I can’t start my day without coffee. And school, it’s very hard. Because if you don’t understand Italian , you can’t do anything. The subjects are very hard and difficult. But I’m trying…Teachers here are very friendly and they always help you if you have some problems. Teachers here are more like friends than teachers .But I think it’s very good. My family is very nice and friendly. I feel like in my real family. They always help me if I have some problems. I like being here very much, but time goes by very fast. I know that I’m going to miss all this, school, family and the most my class and my friends… I love them.

Anna Dudasa

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