Obama’s other face, that one true?

Tempo di lettura: 2 min


A God, a new man, a new start, the real change…. Many nicknames and epithets have been given to the U.S. President Barack Obama but what’ s the real American view about that?

It’ s hard to say, of course, each person has a different mind, a different opinion, but is him as popular and acclaimed in the USA as he is thoroughout Europe?

The answer is no, he’ s not, maybe it is hard to believe for devotional European eyes, but we can’ t see just one face of the coin.

The first black president has made a lo of promises, but how many of them have become true? His program is really hard to maintain and is it what Americans want? Why are so many people mad about him? How will America be like in four years or should I say eight years?

These are just few of the several questions American people are wondering about, but the answer will be available just at the end of term. 

The promise that’s really important is healthcare for everyone he “won’t add a dime to the deficit and is paid for upfront”, this should be the plan but some sources say that the debt has increased billion and billion dollars, so the statements don’t match. The resault will be more and more taxes for something that will be hard to handle, who knows who is really struggling hard and who is just lazy and lives on the governament’s help? Who knows who really needs governamental health assistance? Besides, the healthcare already exists, according on the statistics it isn’t one of the best of the northern hemisphere but it does exist, and people aren’t abandoned and left to die.

The future of the U.S. is in danger according to some opinions: “Obama has America on a train ride for destruction, “

“He has put the country further into debt by about 800 billion of taxpayers money” and the future expectation is pessimistic, not for everyone, some people haven’ t change their mind after November the forth or they still think that he’ s the right person at the White House. 

We can have an idea after one year of his running but only history judge; just it’s important to remember: there is also another face of Obama. 


Sofia Carpinteri (4E)  – Corrispondente daglia Stati Uniti

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