Once upon a time …

Tempo di lettura: 2 min

Once Upon a time there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy, and it has been told in another book called The lion, the witch and the Wardrobe how they has a remarkable adventure. They had opened the door of a magic wardrobe and found them self in a quite difference world from ours, and it that different world they had become Kings and Queens in a country called Narnia.   (C.S. LEWIS- Prince Caspian)

Dear Peter,

Do you remember when you wanted me to call you that? It was a long time ago. We were only two kids, with a lot of imagination. As often as not, we armed ourselves with bows and arrows and we left for Narnia. Do you remember that? It was always the main character of our adventures. This earth was so magical, Kings and Queens governed and Fauns, Centaurs and talking animals lived. Someone invented it, but we made our own world. Maybe there was someone that also visited it, with rings, horns and wardrobes, but we never needed anything like that. Do you remember? We always used a bit of inventiveness and a lot of imagination to arrive in Narnia. And now, do you know why I’m asking you all this? Why am I asking you to remember? The answer is quite easy. Because today I returned to Narnia! The weird thing is that this time, maybe at first, I didn’t image anything. It was all true. I woke up during the sunrise and I walked along a path for a couple of hours but I assure to you that it was worthwhile: I went to the most beautiful beach that I’d ever seen. But after a couple of minutes it seemed to me that it wasn’t the first time that I was on that beach, suddenly I understood. It was our beach: the one that we always imagined, the one where our castle… where, Cair Paravel, over looked. When I realized that, 100 memories crossed my mind. I looked up and I seemed to see our castle’s ruins. It would be so perfect… if you were with me. I though you, the little cheerful Lucy (who isn’t so little now) and Edmund, the family’s black sheep. Since our siblings have changed their names, if you remember. Anyway if all of you were with me it would be perfect because in this place we could forget that some years have passed since our games, our big adventures. I’m sure that you would draw your sword and I my bow and we would shout “For Narniaaa!” and we would begin to see Fauns and Nymphs everywhere. The same as that other time.  But you weren’t there and I walked across Narnia alone. After a while, the magic almost vanished. I started to see again the houses… the reality. The green little path that I was sure I’d walked 100 times and the beaches where I was convinced that I’d swum before. They disappear before my eyes. I arrived home again, and started to write this letter because I want say ‘Thanks’. Because Every child needs to be someone else for a bit. Every kid needs to have a place the adults don’t know about and everyone needs a friend to share a secret with. You are this friend and for all that: I thank you.

Forever yours,


(Sofia D’Angelo, 4C)


Racconto scritto dopo una camminata tra le spiaggie della Coromandel Peninsula,

luogo in cui e` stato girato il film di Narnia.

175700cookie-checkOnce upon a time …