
Tempo di lettura: < 1 min


In our humble opinion, an open-minded person is someone with a mind free from prejudices and an impartial vision of the world. An open-minded person is a person who ponders on everything and is moved by curiosity of learning and trying something new. An open-minded person is someone who’s willing to consider, acknowledge and understand different ideas from his so is a person who accepts concepts and opinions from other people.

A person with an open-mind isn’t a person who acknowledges everything as good and perfect but is someone who thinks, reflects and then accepts the things.

So an open minded person is also a person who is always ready to discuss his ideas with others.

An open-minded person is usually someone who’s optimistic, someone who wants to learn more and often they are really curious; they consider cultural diversity a source from which discover and learn things.

A person with an open mind hasn’t prejudices, as we said, so he tries to understand different cultures, by learning their habits, their traditions and their languages.

A person with an open-mind is also a someone who doesn’t stop at the first impression, but goes over it and wants to know more.

Open-mindedness is certainly a virtue, because it means you’re someone who’s open to new experiences and not closed in himself, someone who isn’t set in his habits and places, but is continuously moving.

In conclusion, when you’re open minded, you want to learn and experience new things in your life. So you can develop your own ideas and decisions and it’s really important because open-mindedness gives you the freedom of decision.


Pouya Houshmand and Luca Olivotto (2E)
