Pieces of original nature poetry

Tempo di lettura: 5 min

Do you know…

Do you know what people are  thinking when,  walking through the silent wood covered with soft, shiny and crystal snow, they hear the far and quiet swish of a noisy stream?

Do you know what people are thinking when, in the ocean, swimming under water they close their eyes and they hear fish singing a melody without rhythm?

Do you know what people are thinking when , after a long walk on the seafront, sitting on the rocks and feeling a soft sea breeze, they watch the infinite landscape adorned with a gold sunset?

Do you know what people are thinking when they find a dry flower that they  forgot inside an old book time a long time before?

Do you know what people are thinking when they see two lovers walking towards a rainbow after a long  stormy rainy night ?

Do you know…

What  freedom is?

The liar river

If you pay attention to the crazy noise of the river you can understand he’s not screaming but he’s singing a calm melody talking about the flowing of time and it’s velocity.

Then if you pay more attention you can hear the noise of a frog that is wondering  why the river is so right.

If you get your  feet wet,  you  feel the freezing water and a fast shiver  starting from your thumbs  reaching  every single part of your body and it is as if  all your thoughts have suddenly disappeared.

In the end if you look at the sky, you can see the sunshine which is piercing the crystal water with its rays, making a soft, gold and thin film…

At this point you’ll understand that as that river  flows forever also the time will never end.




Riding through the wood

One of the most memorable experience I had in  nature was in Holland. Last year, in April, my classmates and I had an exchange with some Dutch young people. First they came to Turin, my city, and we hosted them, then after a few weeks we went to Holland and they hosted us. I definitely love that country and not just because it is full of museums, old buildings and churches but I love it especially because it offers a really huge amount of really great landscapes. Every morning I went to school by bike and it took me around 45 minutes , I really loved that because on my way I could see unforgettable images like infinite green fields where  cows grazed or cornfields where peasants were working or a big wood crossed by a little but loud stream; the greatest thing was that even though  my way and the landscapes were always the same, each morning I discovered some little detail that made my view nicer and nicer.

First of all, in order to understand my story you need to know I love horses and I love to go horse riding; my experience happened on the last day of the exchange when  two Italian friends, a Dutch girl and I decided to go horse riding. We rode in some amazing places: we started going into the wood trough a tiny dirty path and I remember the air was chilly but not cold and there was a special smell in the air like the odor of the wet grass after a storm, after 10 minutes’ trotting we couldn’t see the riding school, the houses or the streets anymore and instead we were surrounded by hundred and hundred of different but apparently similar trees. Nobody was speaking and the only sound we could hear was the swish caused by the wind through the leaves when suddenly a short but high scream interrupted the peaceful moment, everybody was trying to understand what was going on but the only thing we saw was one of my friends who was sitting on the ground and her horse that was running faraway! We were really confused and after some minutes of hurly burly we made sure our friend was okay and then we trotted really fast trying to recapture the  horse. Luckily the Dutch girl was a professional horse rider and after some attempts she took it!

After this little accident we continued our trip and for the  next fifteen minutes we were afraid that another horse could escape again! We were riding deep  into the wood and the sensation to be completely immerse in nature was amazing, I wasn’t even paying attention to my horse and to the way I was suppose to control him because my attention was completely captured from what I was surrounded by: I remember I was surprised when I saw how many different shapes and colors a tree can have, it can be fat, dark, slim, light, tall, short, straight, bent, coarse, smooth, scratched, etc. I was surprised also by the wild sound you can hear if you are careful: at the beginning of my riding I had just heard a big and peaceful silence but after a while, focusing on capturing every single movement  near me, I started to hear the rustle of the lear the musical chirp of a bird and then of another bird and then of another and then of one more. In addition I heard the far swish of a river and then the noise caused by the steps of our horses;  by and large I was assisting to a real natural concert, it was like  music without a definite rhythm: listening to  that melody and feeling the sensation it brings with it was something really awesome and unforgettable.

After one hour’s riding we went along some  tracks, probably unused for a long time because the way was kind of a block of thick bushes , and we reached an amazing place: in front of us there was a very small lake, probably the smallest lake I’ve never seen, it was all surrounded by trees, it was really similar to an oasis! Then our horses were so excited by the water that we decided to ride on the edge of the lake and make them happy, at this point they stared t to drink and then they  played together, trotting everywhere and splashing each other and in this way they soaked us! It was really really funny and at the end of this game everybody was wet and dirty!

Then we decided to return to the riding school and we trotted all the way back, this time I wasn’t concentrated on nature but on how  amazing riding is and how I love the sensation to be  only one thing with my horse!




Are human beings part of the natural world or separate from it? ” this is the problem!

Naturalistic point of view:

The naturalistic main idea is that everything in nature can be explained through the same nature; in fact, according to this concept, naturalists think  human beings are part of  nature because there’s no other place where they can come from: there’s just one world and this is the natural world. Human beings are just really smart animals and they can say that because they support the scientific explanation of their creation.

Trascendentalist point of view:

Trascendentalists support the idea that the human beings are part of the natural world but they also think that there are more worlds, one is the sensible world, the natural one, and the other one is the insensible world ( in general identifiable with heaven). They think that  first human beings are part of the Natural world but then, if they  behave well, they can reach the insensible world (heaven). The main idea is that the better you behave, the nearer you get to God.


Eleonora Camerone (4B)

177830cookie-checkPieces of original nature poetry