SOS: we are in danger!

Tempo di lettura: 2 min

We are optimistic: we hope in the future of our environment.

The problems of our world are pollution of the atmosphere and sea, the end of the fuel and global warming.

How can we solve those problems?

Oil, a non-renewable source, is the main cause of pollution and of global warming.

Today, oil is very important in our lives, but people’s mentality is changing and we need to reduce consumption and look for new resources. In the future we could use water, wind power and solar panels to produce energy. We should also use cars less, we should take public transport or use bikes.

But we think that when petroleum finishes, pollution will decrease a lot and this will be a good thing. Also global warming will end and the hole in the ozone layer will disappear.

Associations like WWF and Greenpeace  and also most governments will be involved with environmental problems and they are already trying to take care of environment.

Today, we recycle our rubbish, we try to reduce the waste of energy in general and we use some alternative energies. With these examples we can show that environment and technologies can work together.

We should not kill animals, we must stop cutting down woods and we must not pollute the sea by being careful not to throw plastic bags or waste liquids in it.

In the future we’ll use electric cars and we’ll live in a world full of gardens, forests and public parks where people can go during their free time. We’ll have a cleaner world. In our opinion the earth, animals and humans will still exist.

Hope is the last thing to die and we can save the world, we are sure of this.

Fabio Tesauro, Simone Ambrisi, Roberta Agriesti, Marta Mereu, Fiammetta Marzani, Martina Zucchi, Greta Bravin (2B)

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