The renewable energies

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Are they going to be enough?

The question to ask isn’t:-Are you pessimistic or optimistic-but if you are objective or not. We think that in 50 years, life on the planet will change radically and not for the better.  It’s riculous to keep on hoping in vain for remedies that divert people’s attention from problems. While the majority of the world is starving , the richer countries,are wasting the resources, they have decided to plant trees to produce biofuel in order to pollute less. But we think the real objective is to reduce their guilt. So they use renewable energies or they produce biofuel to have the resources necessary to continue their lifestyle but we know that it won’t work! These crops could be destined to feed the starving population but apparently nobody knows that this population is growing and in 2050 it will probably reach 9 billion people. Following this path there will not be enough food for everybody and it will be too expensive! It will be difficult for wealthy people to change their lifestyle and give up the conveniences they have. About twoo thirds of the world don’t even know what these conveniences are! Why won’t  the rich give anything up? Maybe because we have always been accustomed to consider comfort “normal”, and we don’t think about the future where all the comforts maybe won’t be there anymore . Perhaps we don’t think enough about people that live in other conditions, who consume fewer resources and suffer from hunger and thirst. And if all this were true, if we really need to prepare for a difficult future, will we be able to adapt?

Julia Robin,Niccolò Stomeo,Giulia Livigni,Virginia Bellini,Franceso Poli,Silvia Crivellari,Nicolò Ghibaudi,Giuia Balsamo,Giulia Chianale,Ilaria Dosio,Bogdan Gheorghe,Xin Zhu,Marta Baschenis (2B)

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