Thinking along the road

Tempo di lettura: 2 min

Aurora BorealeIn Italy October is Autumn time . In Sweden Winter has already started. The sun rises late and sets early, too early! At 3.30 pm it gets dark, and every day the sun sets earlier .
During these early nights, a wonderful show can be seen ; The Aurora Borealis, with its typical green light offers a breathtaking and spectacular view. Every evening I spend some time drinking a cup of tea on the terrace and enjoying the scenery.
Every morning when I wake up, everything outside is covered in ice.
The bus journey to school takes more than one hour, along the road which is lined with big trees all white, like the roofs of the houses, the cars, and the light poles. It looks like one of those landscapes created only for movies, but destined to fade away as soon as the shooting of the film is over. But luckily, the wonderful landscape is always there. My eyes are filled with its beauty! Some children are walking on the frozen layer of a lake “Is it hard enough?” I wonder. In fact parts of the lake aren’t frozen and some water still flows .
My thoughts end when the bus suddenly stops in the middle of the road. – What is happening ? – I ask my friend, -I do not know- she says. We are both a bit curious and a bit alarmed, but, looking around, I can see that none of the Swedish students on the bus are really concerned. I try to see what is happening, but I can’t see anything. – It’s just a reindeer – the girl in front of us says. One minute later I see the animal leaping and running into the woods at the edge of the road. -Oh, yes! So everything is ok !-. We look at each other, we start laughing and the bus drives off.

Domiziana Aimar (4B) – correspondent from Sweden

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