Two days in Rome

Tempo di lettura: < 1 min


Early in the morning  we got on our train, travelled for 4 long hours and there we were at last! Such a warm and nice place – Rome! We found our hotel and settled in. We were so curious to know better the city, so we went on a short tour with other students. All together with a guide we saw a lot of places, buildings and monuments, famous all over the world. When we got tired, we went back to our hotel to have a  nice Italian lunch and relax. After all this we had some serious things to do. Presentations, speeches, group work and other activities. At last the evening came! We had dinner with food from almost every region in Italy. We enjoyed the evening and then went to sleep.

On  the second day we had to wake up early and finish our group work and listen to new presentations. All day long we got to know new friends from other counties who study in Italy, too. The day passed so fast, time was not enough for everything. On the way to the station we went to the Vatican, so amazing. But then it was time to go! We get on our train again, travelled for 4 long, but pleasant hours. Then we went home. And it was so nice to meet our Italian families again…We’re so happy for an opportunity like this!


Anna, Janis & Mara

162340cookie-checkTwo days in Rome